This few days,a lot of people trying to post emo status on fb,the worst thing is,someone even posted status on fb before he commited suicide.I just realised this is the new way that fb freak to leave the world.Fb not only allow us to play game,meet new friend,advertising product,it also let the people tell their last word to the whole world,even african,mexican,egyptian can know the news of someone die in asian country. isit that sounds very good?Besides,a lot of youngsters think that their boy friend and girl friend is the only precious diamond in this world,without each party,their world turn into hell..I dont see what is point at here?do u all still staying in a primitive world?HELLO,adam and eve had created a lot of human in this world.dont u see what is the point they do so?It's because they know everyday facing the same person,your life gonna be dull,so they wish human being know how to make their choices. Oh well,I really marvel that they got the gut to die haha well,i admit that I dont know what is in their mind when they came to the last moment,yet I dont really care too..I only know how valuable is the life.Girls,boys,if u happened to step in hospital,please open your eyes wide,as wide or big as u can,open until u able to tear off your eyelid which is the best one,and go to the intensive care unit(ICU) look at all those half dying patients on bed,thousand of tubing poking into their skin,cant even shit and pee like a normal people,eating thru nasogastric,moaning for pain all the times,and the most ironic is they are still struggling to fight with the demon and you are trying to give up life.Before u die,ask yourself,am i the most unlucky person in the world?what is the biggest impact that i faced in my life?isit cancer,bankrupt,going to attack by alien,or hunted by jigsaw or cold-blooded murderer..haha I really dont see why some people can cut off the life string just because of being dumped by someone,it's such a BABY BEHAVIOUR,like a baby will cry like crazy when they are hungry or just pop in their napkin.If u are standing on the top of the building now,preparing to jump down,I wish you all the best and take this as the last compliment that I leave for you,"YOU ARE THE WORLD MOST 'BRAVE' AND ZERO IQ AND EQ PERSON' good-bye <3 TEEHEE!!
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